Barrettine Wood Worm Killer Spray 500ml

A traditional deep penetrating low odour solvent based woodworm killer which prevents and exterminates woodworm and woodboring insects from timber. Ideal for treating furniture, flooring, structural timbers etc. Avoid contact with plastics, roofing felts etc. Kills all common insects including Common Furniture Beetle, House Longhorn Beetle, Powder Post Beetle and wood boring Weevils. Also kills larvae and eggs when in direct contact.
- Contains Permethrin
- Protects uncontaminated timber against wood boring insect attack
- Suitable for use on all types of internal and external timber, rough, sawn or smooth
- Treated timbers can be polished, stained, varnished or painted when dry
- Approved under COPR/BPR
- Harmless to plants and pets when dry
- Deep penetrating
- Low odour
- Solvent based
- Ready to use formulation