Pinty Plus Art & Craft Blackboard Spray Paint 400ml

Pinty Plus Blackboard black spray paint, black color and matte finish. It allows drawing with chalk and to erase it afterwards. High performance, coverage and elasticity. It allows creating surfaces of great hardness and strength.
Applications for the blackboard black spray paint
Once the blackboard paint was applied acts as a common blackboard with the advantage of adapting to any flat or shaped surface. Suitable for wood, metal, cardboard, cloth, stone, fiberglass, rigid plastic, etc.
Technical characteristics
Size 520/400ml.
Spreading = 2 m2.
Dry to the touch 1h.
Total dry 4h.
To draw with the chalk wait 48 hours.
Repainted: within 1 hour or after 48 hours.
Instructions for use of the blackboard black spray paint
The surface to paint should be clean, dry and free of any contaminants.
Shake the spray can vigorously for 1 minute after hearing the sound of the mixing balls. Apply from a distance of 25/30 cm., applying rapidly thin layers, first horizontally and then vertically. It is advisable to give two thin coats rather than a thick one in order to achieve uniform coverage and avoid paint drippings.
Apply a minimum of two layers for optimal results.
Once the operation is completed, reverse the spray can and press until only gas comes out in order to clean the nozzle.
You can start drawing with the chalk after passed 2 or 3 days from the moment of applying the paint.
Remove the chalk with a wet sponge/cloth.
Recommendations for use
To paint on metal we recommend applying before a layer of the Universal Primer Pintyplus Tech.
To paint on plastic we recommend applying a layer of Plastic Primer Pintyplus Tech.
On properly painted and adhered surfaces, proceed with a light sanding to improve adherence. If the surface is in a bad condition, eliminate the layer of paint using the Paint Stripper Tech, or any other physical or chemical method we have at our disposal.
Once the blackboard paint was applied and is dry, you can wash it with soap and water or re-paint it.
Do not use on devices connected to the electrical network and apply in ventilated areas.
Once empty, the spray must be deposited in the yellow container.